Journal Entry: Day 211

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Island,

Life continues the same way here, I am in ‘routine mode’ and I am taking care of a lot of matter at the same time. I still have a little more than 1 week left here, and I am starting to feel that I would need way more time if I want to achieve all my current projects. I probably need to plan accordingly, and more accurately for the near future. Yesterday and Today I am busy with the Black Friday promotion, a must due task, as this time of the year is probably the most important in terms of sell, and I wouldn’t want to miss it.
I am glad that I can do some exercise every day, in a park nearby they have machines freely accessible, the kind of machines you would normally find only in a gym. Each day I am learning more about this place and the Canary in general. I am still waiting for some package to arrive, I feel they got stuck in customs, or they got lost, we will see. In fact, the Canaries are a special zone inside Spain, and they have their own rules regarding import/export and taxes. And it seems more complicated when shipping and receiving goods. The other day I was trying to send this hard drive but I got chased away by the DHL stating that I need Spanish citizenship if I want to send any package anywhere. I was surprised to be sent away and a little offended. Hopefully, I found a better place which accepted to take care of my package without any problem. More adventures coming soon hopefully…

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