Journal Entry: Day 50

Kampar, Perak, Malaysia,

50 days today of daily writing. I can say it is a nice exercise. Some days I don’t want to write anything, some other days I could write a book.
All in all I feel it is a very powerful habit, it makes me practice writing on a regular basis but moreover it helps me keep track of my journey, so I can remember.
Yesterday I visited my friend in his Kampung (village), his mother has cooked for us so we got a traditional Malay meal. I really enjoyed it. Then we went visit local indigenous villages, we mostly only passed by. I recorded just few minutes of ambiences before someone told us we must have permission to be there (I think because they got some covid cases). Anyway it was interesting trip.
I received my new internal ssd disk and an enclosure for the old one so I can use it as external drive. I changed installed it this morning, it is 2 times the size I had and will help me to manage all the projects and libraries more easily. It is also very fast (up to 2000mb/s they claim).

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