Journal Entry: Day 27

Kampar, Perak, Malaysia,

Yesterday we began the third week in MCO (Movement Control Order) which is a partial lock-down where we can’t go further than 10 km and are limited to essential businesses.
I learned more about email marketing, a powerful tool I underestimated until now. And thus I learned more about brand voice and I researched more about brand design and inspirations which I can apply in the the upcoming contents.
I received my books and sd cards. It was a very homey day.
I believe today will be homey too, but probably to a lesser extend. I am amazed at how much I learn and reshape my vision on a deep level, it is all beneficial. I am almost thankful for this lock-down.
I am thinking about the future of travel, and I am worried rules are changing and it seems that if I don’t get vaccinated I probably will have difficulty to enter any other country. However vaccines are not readily available yet. How long will I have to wait?

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