Journal Entry: Day 13

Kampar, Perak, Malaysia,

Yesterday was the first of effective lock-down here; However it is not as strict as the first lock-down in March last year. We can still go out, do exercise in a 10 km radius. I did arrange my working station better. I plunged in the tv and use it as a monitor, it is a large screen, but not really sharp, so it is best for videos in my opinion. I also found a computer keyboard and usb hub. I think I have good working condition for now although could be better. It should be for 2 weeks if no extension of mco (lock-down) but they might extend. Right now covid cases are going higher. The day was short Yesterday, because I had to psychologically adapt to lock-down. I am not yet used to it. I think I prepare it well, better than the first one last year.
I watched some tutorials about focus, time management in the evening; and I decided I will restore back some techniques I tried in the past, like the Pomodoro technique, this will probably help. Going for my gym Yesterday made me think that I should probably get a pepper spray, because there are so many stray dogs, it can be dangerous.

Today, I will clean my task lists, redefine my goals. I wish to go through my archives, to reassess the work I have to do, I might delegate some, or plan them ahead, schedule. I am back the captain of my ship today.

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